Archive for the 'Seating for homework' Category

Need to Wiggle? Teacher Tips

Tips for those kids who need to wiggle to stay alert but should not leave their seat:

1. Chew gum or suck on sour candy (if allowed in school; allow at home if no problem with choking or swallowing)

2. Tie a stretchy exercise band around the front legs of the chair.  Place your legs and feet behind the band.  When the need to get out of the chair arises and you should not, push against the band to help release the “wiggles”.

3. Try a “Sit and Move Cushion”. This has bumps on one side and air inside which allows “wiggling” without getting out of the chair.  Purchase at or

4. Place tennis balls on the back legs of the chair to provide gentle rocking movements.

Other tips you can think about?

Just a thought: For I know the plans I have for you….Jeremiah 29:11

Teacher Tip for Those Needing to “Fiddle”

For those children who need to fiddle with something while they are listening, this tip may be just what they need.  Mrs. McNabb, a first grade teacher shared this hint with us:

Place a piece of adhesive backed velcro (both pieces: hook and loops) inside the desk.  Press on it to make it stick. This will allow the  student  to pull on it, rub it, and play with it without bothering any other student.

GREAT TIP!!!! Thanks! Do you have a tip you would like to share?

“Homework Place” Good Furniture

As you prepare a “homework” place for your child, please consider the right size furniture.  Our bodies need a chair that allows our feet to be on the floor and promotes good posture.  For the children who do not have good posture and need to lay their heads down on the table/desk or to hold onto the chair with one hand or like to sit on their feet in the chair, the chair may need arms to provide more postural stability.  The table/desk should be two inches above their bent elbows.  Good posture allows us to reach forward to write, color, uses scissors without subconscious fear of falling out of our chairs!  So please use child fitting furniture rather than adult fitting furniture if you want the very best writing, coloring, cutting from your child!

New Thoughts from Your Child

You know, Mom, I sit in a chair all day at school.  Do I have to sit down to do my homework?

Suggestions to Mom

If writing legibility does not fall apart, allow your child to stand at the table to do homework.

Have you tried allowing your child to lie on his stomach, propped on his arms on the floor to do his work?

Sitting in a bean bag chair for reading work can be very calming

If good handwriting is required, make sure the desk or table top is two inches above his bent elbow while sitting down in the chair.  Make sure your child sits in a chair which allows his feet to be flat on the floor.  This is important for good writing posture and good hand movement. It can be hard to do your best writing perched on a bar stool!


Continuation of question 2: Can the student maintain an appropriate posture for writing?

Last week we talked about muscle strength and tone, as well as balance which helps us sit tall in a chair and frees our hands to move about on the desk top.  This week we will talk about crossing the body’s midline which affects establishment of hand dominance and the ability of a student  to freely move one hand from one side of the desk to the other side.  It also affects the ability to draw diagonals in shapes and letters.

Our body is split into two parts: the left side and the right side. We must be able to cross with our right hand from the right side of the body to the left side of the body.  The same is true with the left hand.  This ability to cross the body’s midline begins with trunk rotation (the ability to twist the top part of our body to each side). Trunk rotation begins in the first year of life as a child rolls, moves in and out of sitting, crawling, and standing.  When a child has difficulty with trunk rotation, they frequently have difficulty with crossing midline.  If a child has difficulty crossing midline, and they are older than 5 years of age, they often move one hand to midline and switch to the other hand.  Younger children often switch hands which is important to being able to use the two hands together efficiently.  If an older child has trouble crossing midline, they may establish a hand dominance late, have trouble with drawing diagonals in shapes and letters, and have difficulties with directional words (left, right, etc.) and possibly visual perceptual abilities. 

If  a child has these issues, its important to consult an occupational or physical therapist for help.

Next week we will look at “motor planning” which affects large muscle skills such as skipping as well as performing the sequence of movements necessary for writing letters.  Have a blessed week!

Handwriting Questions

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Alphabet Soup: Fun Activities to Stir Your Child's Interest in Letters by Lyn Armstrong O.T.R