Archive for the 'computers' Category

Thoughts about “Screen Time”

I wanted to share with you comments taken from The National Association for the Education of Young Children’s newest postion on “screen time (tv, computer, Iphone, etc.) .  In addition to “visual concerns”, my colleagues and I have also been concerned about the possibility of carpal tunnel syndrome in younger adolescents as it results from repetivite motion as well as the impact of the motions on our children’s grow plates.  Here are those comments from NAEYC:

Suggested recommendations for Screen Time:

—Under age of 2: no screen time

—2 to 5 years of age: One to two hours of TOTAL screen time per day.


—Eye fatigue, advancing nearsightedness, eye dryness
—Childhood obesity
—Irregular sleep patterns
—Focus and attention problems
—Impact on socialization/language development recommends 20 (every 20 minutes take a break) 20 (look at an object 20 feet away) 10 (look at that object for 10 seconds) for children to reduce the chance of “computer vision syndrome”.  Check out their website for great tips!
Your thoughts?

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